Tag Archives: photography

Throwback Thursday To A Favourite PhotoShoot

My Blog today is photography focused. It’s about one of the first photoshoots that I ever did.

I had the pleasure of meeting Daniel Clifford at the Electrolux Cube event. Electrolux practically mounted a glass cube containing a full kitchen and a table for 16 persons, on the top of the Royal Festival Hall at Southbank in London.

It was spectacular.

I mentioned to Daniel about my passion for food photography, and very soon after, I was lucky enough to be invited to Midsummer House to perfect my camera skills on some of the most beautiful food I had ever seen.

This perhaps 5 years ago, maybe more..

This is a cod dish that went on to be featured in Handcnews.com for Image of the Month.

This is a stunning fig dessert taken from above, which is not normally my style but I was still learning about my skills and preferences.

This dish is my favourite of the collection. This image went on to be published by FOUR Magazine online, with the recipe from Daniel. It is smoked Quail. I love this action shot and when it was published by FOUR, I nearly fell out of my bed with joy.

When I look back at these images now, I recall my excitement and pride about the shoot and the results. I remember back then, I wasn’t even shooting on raw format nor making use of focal points. They definitely are not as sharp as the images that I produce today. There is still something magical about them though.

If I could give any advice to budding photographers, I would say “Practice, practice, practice and also remind yourself, that even when you make mistakes, you are still learning”

Thank You for reading,

Majella x